Friday, 6 December 2013

Prototype: Sensor Data Into Max

I wont write much here as I think I explained everything I wanted to in the video. Also, sorry for my extremely boring voice!
Thanks :)

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

The Knock

So I've got my Arduino and I just want to try it out with a simple knock tutorial.

So naturally I followed the tutorial on the site,

I also read up on the limitations on digital ports. I saw the Knock tutorial code in Arduino software under 'sensor examples'. In no time I had the sensor working fine and generating the word 'Knock'.
This was useful because it got me going with the new kit.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Proposal Feedback

This is an interesting project proposal that explores various aspects of the module’s themes. You have clearly outlined good reasoning behind why you are wanting to do this type of project and there is a rich history to this type of interaction with sound that has been around ever since MIDI was developed. You should look into ideas around data gloves.

I like that you are shifting the focus away from areas that have been explored already - such as performance and effects controllers. Your background research has helped you to make certain decisions there. The idea of it being developed for compositional aspects in sound and music is very refreshing and should yield some interesting results.

You have outlined the technology that is most appropriate for making this sort of device. Arduino will certainly be able to handle this type of input and then connect into Max to structure the data before passing on to another DAW for sound processing. This is a very efficient system. Working with piezo discs as pressure sensors is very straight forward and I suggest you start thing off at that point. You need to understand the potential from the interaction before moving onto the sound.
Later on in the project you will develop the sound around how the project has developed and what are the aesthetic qualities you wish to explore.

Would it be a system to compose for any instrument or specific ones? Could it be focused to work for film composition or gaming?

Areas to Improve:
Good to see you have made start on the bibliography - keep this going and develop it on your blog a bit more before the end of the term. You could build up your contextual references
a bit more too - what you have is good but adding more here will help you to make further decisions as the project becomes more focused over time.

To accomplish by Friday 06/12/13:
By the end of the term you should be able to demonstrate that you can understand pressure data from at least 2 piezo discs via arduino into Max and then be able to control something with that incoming data - this can just be a slider or number box.
This needs to be documented on your blog and the URL submitted to me via email on 06/12/ 13.